
Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Life Story 2

New kid in town    I was like a kid in a candy shop.   Except at 19 ....I was the candy.   Went to my first GAY bar,   in Victoria   called the Spartan   where I had many sex partners.   Victoria also had the notorious BIOGRAPH   a cinema that showed str8 soft core porn and was filled with men sucking and wanking.    I remember the excitement EVERY time I walked in wondering what sexy man I would JO that day.   You had to push passed some curtains before entering the actual cinema .   It was dark and seedy.   The floor and seats were often cum stained   you could smell the sex in the air.   OH what memories. ....So I started a list.   Anyone else do that   yes you did.   I tried to remember EVERY sexual encounter I ever had.    Many simply said Biograph wed 2 guys.   The toilets in Leicester square  the man in the brown jacket.  The guy in the park with a cap etc etc   there were SOME names Dave, Bob, Bill   etc etc (remember giving false names OH boy) LOL  I wasn't a complete slut   I did know some of them .   Anyway I started the list when I was 19   and threw it away when I was 26.    It had over 2000 entries   I gave up.   I dread to think what that number is TODAY
Remember the days when your biggest fear was Gonorrhea?????   Except for Freddy all the others are men I had sex with but ( shame oh shame)I cannot remember their names.  

 This is Freddy  I met him at the Spartan
Think he was a school teacher   he certainly taught me a thing or two
 In London I discovered a wonderful older man bar called The City of Quebec   near Marble Arch and spent MANY hours there   in the 70's I even worked there at night    in order to meet men.   This guy was from Blackpool and kinds looked like CANNON    William Conrad (On whom I had a HUGE crush)   we met a couple of times    I want to say his name was BOB  but I couldn't swear to it   pretty sure his name began with B

This handsome man was an actor    married I believe and because of his vague resemblance to Churchill   played him in a British TV show
One of his Audition photos

One of his NOT so public pics   MMMMMM

He was GREAT sex   and I don't think he was acting

This beautiful man was married too   a business man    and he would, could only see me after work before he traveled home to the country to be with his family.   He always needed to drink wine and get a little drunk before we had sex    HE was SO FUCKING gorgeous   but a lost cause

so handsome
He was never going to be MINE

I chased this man for 2 years in the City of Quebec without success until a friend from USA    was staying with me    picked him up and brought him home.    He had him that night    I had him the next day   MMMMM what a treat

Two pics of this man

You'd think I'd remember his name   he is VERY sexy

Married and wonderful
This guy was strange.   He was married and lived in New York.   He would come to London on business and SHOWER me with gifts and money.   Now he KNEW I adored him and that he didn't have to give me anything    BUT he always did   it was something he had to do.   It was nice because I loved the gifts and the money    but I sometimes felt like a whore.

Met this lovely man at the COQ   and he was ironically from Rhodesia   I really liked him and would have lived with him   IF he lived in UK    no way I was going back to Rhodesia
LOL   all that and I can't remember his name   
not as old as I liked   but there was still 20 years between us.   I remember he had a sorta funky sweaty smell about him   too bad he was really quite nice.

OH why can't I remember THIS guy's name????   WHAT a fucking beauty  he was either Canadian or American    and at the time there was no way to visit him    just our encounter in the UK

to be continued

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